
My mother belongs to the noble druid family of Taliesin. According to the ancient druid rite of the Sacred Marriage, my mother was chosen to personify the "Mother Goddess".

During the ritual the "king stag" was killed by a beautiful black panther (who was actually my father, a powerful wizard). In semblance of the king stag he went to the cave where was my mother and joined her.

Since I was a child I felt the burden of the paternal inheritance: a great aggressiveness, that was very hard to control, quick reflexes and a long and soft tail. All this witnesses my magic ancestor to which is due the sense of restlessness that assaults those near me.

The choice of being neutral gave a balance to my great internal fight between good and evil, wish of peace and aggressiveness, reason and instinct.

This choice allowed me not to abjure neither my mother nor my father.

My father wanted to keep me far to the temple life, to which I would be destined according to the tradition, but not suitable to my temperament. In order to offer me a life full of experiences, and control my lonely temperament he brought me in Frandum where I'm trying to strengthen my body and my soul.





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